Chapter 24 Encore: Mask, Costume, True Self

We recorded this originally out of chapter order and released it to coincide with the holiday of Purim! Re-releasing it now in "Good Place" sequence.

On “The Good Place”, the humans and Janet put on costumes and assume new identities to pass through demon headquarters on their way to the Judge. On the podcast, Ilana Schachter (rabbi), Daniella Risman (hazzan=cantor), and Jon Spira-Savett talk about how costumes relate to, obscure, or help bring out our true selves, and how from the Bible to “The Good Place” 45-year-old men create impossible messes and tell women only they can fix it.

Click here for full show notes!


Chapter 25: Six Scales, Any Better Than Just One?


Chapter 23: Yom Kippur Should Be a Dance Party