Chapter 38: Points and Counterpoints

On The Good Place, Michael and Shawn battle before the Judge over whether the complexity of modern life, coupled with the four humans’ progress, require a reassessment of the point system. Chidi comes up with the idea of a new experiment involving different humans, and the Judge tweaks the ground rules before ordering Michael and Shawn to comply. On the podcast, Daniel Kirzane and Jon Spira-Savett scamper widely across Torah and Talmud in our own tweak of the podcast’s ongoing attempt to synthesize points, intentions, and teshuvah in an elegant way. We discuss whether life was in fact less complex in the past, and whether the way we ourselves (and others) tell our stories looking back can actually change the point value of our actions retroactively. Also, Daniel tells us about being one of the #tomatorabbis, supporting the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in a successful campaign that has transformed the ethics of tomato consumption in the past decade!

Show notes coming soon!

Learn more about Daniel and Jon on our
Hosts page!

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Chapter 39: Who Could Be A Friend? (Season 3 Finale)


Special: Eric Kissack, Editor on The Good Place!